Jessica and Jeff 14

Rainy Family Farm Engagement Session | Seattle Wedding Photographers

This spring, I feel like I’m a broken record. I’m constantly writing, “rain this” and “rain that”! Kansas definitely gave us a wet spring – or just decided to rain every time we went outside with our cameras. The rainstorm at Jessica and Jeff’s family farm engagement session was a total surprise. Joe and I were on our way to Kelly, Kansas, when we noticed a giant storm system out the passenger side window. (Shame on us for checking Manhattan’s weather forecast for the night and thinking northern Kansas couldn’t be much different!). We called Jeff and all four of us decided to shoot anyway, and cross our fingers the storm would hold off until after sunset. We met Jessica and Jeff at Jeff’s family’s dairy farm, where they had a bunch of amazing locations already picked out for photos. Right around the time of the first outfit change, the rain hit! It teased us a bit by clearing off just as we were prepared to dawn the umbrellas for the rest of the session. We headed down the dirt road for some shots at an old one room schoolhouse as we heard the thunderstorm brewing off in the distance. Our chances at sunset were gone, but just as it started downpouring, we thought we might have a chance at some awesome rainy photos. So, we asked Jessica and Jeff if they’d mind getting out of the truck in the rain for us “for just one minute”. Which, inevitably, turned into “Just one more shot” for about 5 minutes. We were all soaked, but after Jessica and Jeff received their images, Jessica told us she was glad they got a rainstorm instead of a sunset. We are glad they did too, and that they trusted us enough to drag them outside in it!




Farm Engagement Session Jessica and Jeff 2 Jessica and Jeff 3 Jessica and Jeff 4 Jessica and Jeff 5 Jessica and Jeff 6 Farm Engagement Session Jessica and Jeff 8 Jessica and Jeff 9 Jessica and Jeff 10 Farm Engagement Session Jessica and Jeff 12 Jessica and Jeff 13 Farm Engagement Session Jessica and Jeff 15 Jessica and Jeff 16 Jessica and Jeff 17

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