Pioneer Square Engagement Photos | Seattle Wedding Photographers
Katelin & John | Pioneer Square Engagement Photos After Dark
Pioneer Square is one of our favorite spots in Seattle for engagement photos. It becomes even better after dark when the lights in the trees are on and we love to take advantage of it each year. We didn’t think it could get any better until Katelin and John mentioned bringing their VW along for the session! We met them in Pioneer Square just after sunset. Thankfully, there weren’t many crowds passing through and we had the street almost totally to ourselves. Katelin and John cued up a playlist from their phone – which we have never thought of doing – and we had some awesome background music while we set up shots. Shooting entirely after dark is fun and incredibly unique, but does take more time than when we work with just natural light. Thankfully Joe is awesome with lights, and we have a trick or two up our sleeves for these photos. After a bit, we got brave enough to drive the VW right into the square so we could photograph it under the twinkling lights as well. Everyone hanging out at The London Plane that evening had quite the show from us! We love the romantic feel the brick streets and lights in the trees give these photos. And especially that Katelin and John were totally relaxed and fun to work with!
-Salt & Pine
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